One of the more frequent questions is:
What will it cost to fix my computer?
That’s a loaded question but let’s talk about our Basic Service.
All computer we work on go through a quick but affective diagnostics.
This includes:
Checking the basic hardware:
- Memory
- Hard Disk
- CD Rom/DVD
- Fans
- Blow out accumulated dust,
Check basic software:
- Check for windows updates
- Clean registry
- Try to speed up the computer by looking at basic programs that startup on boot
- Check for obvious viruses. (Virus cleaning is a separate charge)
If any of the above test indicate an issue we will stop any further testing until we contact you to discuss your options.
Please sign below:
I agree with the above and understand the basic charges. The charge for the above service is $50. If I decide to have any remaining issues resolved then there could be additional charges for parts and labor. If it turns out the device is unfixable by OL Communications then there is NO charge for the above service! Otherwise the basic charge will apply. While it’s unusual, I understand that I could lose data in the process of computer repair and will not hold OL Communications, Inc., Radio Shack or anyone else responsible for any loss of data or property. I also agree to pick up my device in 2 weeks or less.
I hereby authorize the repair of my electronic device.
Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: _____________
Phone: _________________ Windows login ID/Password: _____________________________